The following Rules and Regulations are applicable in ______________________ whether or not Resident has signed a written lease, and are intended for the continuing of pleasant living conditions for all Residents.
LOT - The physical portion of the property designated for occupancy by the Resident’s home.
HOME - Mobile Manufactured Home.
PARK OWNER - Mobilehome Parks, Inc.
RESIDENT - An individual, persons, or estate residing in a home.
RULES AND REGULATIONS - Rules and Regulations for the use of the Lot and for the conduct of Resident within the home, as may be amended from time to time by the Park Owner.
1.1 No animals are allowed except one small, quiet normally domesticated dog or cat which must be kept quiet, on a leash and under control at all times. No pets shall be chained or tethered outside of the home.
1.2 No dogs shall be permitted without the prior written permission of the Park Owner. Park Owner shall have sole discretion in determining acceptable size.
1.3 One pet per household will be permitted.
1.4 No visiting pets are allowed.
1.5 Pets which create a disturbance or unpleasantness shall, at the request of the Park Owner, be removed from the park. Pets shall be allowed to relieve themselves only on their owner’s Lot, and the Lot shall be cleaned daily.
1.6 No dog houses are allowed.
1.7 Residents with pets will comply with all applicable city ordinances regarding licensing
and inoculations.
1.8 Dogs not allowed regardless of size: Airedale, Alsatian shepherd, Akita, American bulldog, American Eskimo, Boxer, Bull Mastiff or Mastiff, Chesapeake Bay retriever, Chow Chow, Dalmatian, Doberman pinscher, German shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, Great Dane, Husky (all varieties), Kerry blue terrier, Miniature Doberman pinscher, Pit bull terrier, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Rottweiler, Spitz, Staffordshire bull terrier, Wolf dog, Wolf Hybrid or any combination thereof.
1.9 The maximum acceptable size for a dog is 25 pounds. If a dog is oversized, there will be an additional charge of $25.00 per month. If there is a question regarding the weight of your pet, a written statement from your veterinarian may be required.
2.1 Aluminum patio enclosures and awnings are permitted, when not contrary to the rules of the local Building Dept., but only when such are manufactured by a recognized manufacturer of home patio enclosures and awnings. Wooden patio enclosures are not permitted.
2.2 No detached screen rooms, gazebos or tents are permitted in the park.
Patios or awnings shall not be enclosed without written permission from the Park Owner and a building permit issued by local building officials. No construction shall be undertaken until plans for the patio or awning have been submitted to the Park Owner for review and written approval.
No such enclosure shall be heated.
2.5 Awnings and/or carports shall be limited to the front door side only, except on Lots where the terrain will not permit normal use, or the placement on the off-door side will not interfere with the privacy of an adjoining Resident.
2.6 Stockade enclosures (in parks where space permits such enclosures) will be approved if Resident makes request in writing and provided that the enclosure may be no larger than 8’ x 8’ to enclose gas bottles, trash containers and oil tanks.
2.6.1 White, vinyl lattice is allowed in lieu of stockade enclosures for oil tank or on patios, when a written request has been submitted to and approved by the Park Owner.
2.7 A screened portable gazebo or portable screen room may be installed for temporary summer use from Memorial Day through Labor Day, provided no complaints regarding the installation are received from other Residents, a written request has been submitted to the Owner of the Park for review of the size, type and location, and written approval is given. The size and shape of the lot may also be considered when determining if approval is granted. All temporary screened portable gazebos or portable screen rooms shall be dismantled after Labor Day and stored in the Resident’s shed or off the lot for the remainder of the year.
3.1 Children must be kept under parent’s control, and good behavior will be expected of them. Visiting children are the responsibility of the Resident homeowner.
3.2 No swing sets (gym type), children’s wading pools, no swimming pools (above ground or in ground), sandboxes or children’s large toys are allowed in the park.
3.3 The use of roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, skateboard ramps, and basketball hoops, are restricted to Resident’s Lot. The use of these items is not permitted on the streets of the park. Skateboard ramps shall be stored in shed when not in use.
4.1 Clothes lines are not permitted.
4.2 Clothes reels (“umbrella type”) are permitted when placed on the Lot in accordance with
instructions from the Park Owner.
5.1 Ornamental fences with a maximum height of 12 (twelve) inches and approved by the Park Owner are allowed. All other fences (stockade, chain link, picket, lattice, etc.) are not permitted.
5.2 Ornamental fences may not be erected within three (3) feet of an adjacent home so as to impede use of doors, access and/or maintenance of the adjacent home.
5.3 The only steps permitted to the home or to the patio shall be sturdy, pre-manufactured steps. All doors more than 8” above ground-grade must have steps.
5.4 Steps must have appropriate railings as required by the Building Inspector.
5.5 Handicapped or wheelchair ramps and landings shall not be constructed without prior written Park Owner approval and a permit from the local Building Inspector. Should the home be resold to purchaser who does not need a handicapped ramp, the ramp must be removed and premanufactured steps with appropriate railings must be reinstalled.
5.6 Traditional free standing one post trellis is permitted. Lattice on post(s) is not permitted for use as a trellis.
6.1 No commercial signs of any type are allowed in the park.
6.1.1 No signs of any type may be posted or staked by resident on their lot or within the Park.
6.2 A“For Sale” sign is permitted if placed inside the window of the home and the sign does not exceed 12” x 12” in size. Only one “For Sale” sign will be allowed.
6.3 All “For Sale” signs shall be registered with the Park Owner prior to posting and shall be re-registered every thirty (30) days thereafter.
6.4 Such signs shall be posted only in windows of the home and in such a manner as not to unreasonably detract from the appearance of the park.
6.5 “For Sale” signs shall be removed within twenty-four hours (24) of the time when a home is no longer offered for sale.
7.1 Each Resident agrees to:

7.1.1 Keep his home and Lot clean and neat, free from vermin and rodents.

7.1.2 To keep grass mowed, trimmed and free of weeds.

7.1.3 To keep gardens neat and well cared for; to remove grass and weeds from

around trees, shrubbery and gardens.

7.1.4 The Park Owner does not provide seed, fertilizer or grub control.
7.2 To repair or replace all outside improvements that have become defective, damaged, or uneven/unlevel so as to become a hazard; e.g., skirting, walks, driveways, patios, porches, oil tanks, etc. All skirting, walkways, driveways, patios, porches, oil tanks, located on the Lot belong to the Resident.
7.3 To remove ice and snow from his driveway, walks and patio.
7.4 To protect and water the trees, lawns and shrubbery.

7.4.1 Resident may supplement shrubbery and/or trees, providing they are planted in such a manner so as not to interfere with an adjacent Resident’s use of the Resident’s Lot or home; e.g., shrubbery or bushes shall not be placed within three (3) feet of an adjacent home so as to do damage to the home or inconvenience to the occupant. Shrubbery should not be planted near the road and must be low enough to not hinder visibility of traffic or pedestrians on the road.
7.4.2 Shrubbery shall not be planted in areas that will interfere with the maintenance of park utilities. The costs for any damages to utilities shall be borne by the Resident if he causes same as a result of his plantings.
7.4.3 Any trees or shrubbery planted by the Resident shall become a part of the real estate and, as such, may not be removed by the Resident without prior written permission of the Park Owner.
To keep space around and under home neat and free from rubbish and other accumulations.
7.6 Should Resident fail to comply with items 7.1 through 7.5, written notice will be given stating Park Owner will perform these duties and will bill Resident for services rendered, at the rate of $40.00 per hour, plus materials, if not completed within 72 hours of written notice to correct said violation. A minimum charge of $25.00 will be applied. Any such charges shall be paid as additional rent.
7.7 Vegetable gardens shall be permitted in areas designated in writing by Park Owner. Residents desiring gardens in excess of one hundred (100) square feet shall obtain prior written permission from Park Owner. All gardens shall be kept neat and well cared for, may not be contained by any fencing exceeding twelve (12) inches in height without prior written permission by Park Owner, and shall be put back to lawn if not used or upon resale of home.
7.8 Resident will not cut trees or remove shrubbery without prior written permission of Park Owner. Resident shall prune shrubbery as necessary.
7.9 Residents will abide by any water restrictions or rationing put into effect by Park Owner or city regarding watering of lawns and/or gardens and for any other necessity.
7.10 For lots with “0” lot lines: You have the right of access over your neighbor’s lot to the side or rear of your home for the purpose of home maintenance and/or utility access provided that your neighbor’s lot will be unchanged by such an activity. Such access will be restricted to three feet out from your house onto your neighbor’s lot and will be utilized so as to not interfere with your neighbor’s quiet enjoyment of his/her lot. No tenant shall place any item within three feet of another tenant’s home to protect from damage, allow passage and preserve the quiet enjoyment of all tenants.
8.1 Porches, patios and sidewalks that are constructed of blocks, bricks or pavers are permitted but must have prior approval by Park Owner. New construction of wooden decks, porches, patios and sidewalks is not permitted.
8.2 Resident will keep porch, patio, sidewalks, skirting, in good repair and will keep skirting, porches and hand railings (if wood) painted in white.
8.3 No material or covering shall be affixed to the exterior of the skirting. Skirting may be insulated or sheathed on the interior side.
8.4 All homes shall have manufactured white, vinyl, inter-locking vertical skirting which is accessible for service entry at each hookup for utilities. Soffit material is not permitted.
8.5 No skirting or modifications to existing skirting shall be undertaken without first securing the written permission and approval of the Park Owner.
8.6 Residents should not use patios, decks, porches or lawn areas for long-term storage of items such as bottles, paint cans, trunks, boxes, snow blowers, snow plows, lawn mowers, ladders, or other equipment, furniture, bicycles, lawn and garden tools, gas cans, wood, metal and other materials. Such items must be stored inside the home or in a shed. The resident may keep lawn furniture and other similar outdoor seasonal items outside the home during the seasons
when they are in use.
8.7 A deck constructed of composite decking material (i.e., “Projection”, “Trex” or “Choice Deck”) that is impervious to rot and termites will be permitted if it conforms to the local building code. No construction shall be undertaken until plans for the deck have been submitted to the Owner of the park for review and written approval. Location of the deck may be limited because of underground utilities. The maximum size of the deck is 10’ x 10’ (100 square feet) and the size and shape of the lot may be considered when determining the size of the deck to be installed. All steps to decks shall have railings of a non-flammable material.
9.1 Rubbish, trash and properly wrapped garbage is to be deposited only in approved trash containers. These containers are to be kept covered at all times and should be kept to the rear of the home, tightly covered to prevent spillage by wild animals or pets.
9.2 Trash containers may not be stored at the hitch of the home or beside the front door.
9.3 Garbage disposal systems may not be installed in homes that are not connected to a city sewer system.
9.4 No rubbish or trash shall be placed beneath a home.
9.5 Rubbish or trash shall not be allowed to accumulate for more that seven (7) days.
9.6 Resident will abide by any law put into effect by Park Owner, town or State of Connecticut as regards to recycling.
9.7 Trash containers should be put out at curbside on the day or previous night that trash is collected. Trash containers shall be returned to their proper storage area the same day that trash is collected.
9.8 Only residential trash is allowed in park dumpsters. No large items, demolition or construction refuse, or trash from outside of the park may be placed in dumpsters.
9.9 It is the resident’s responsibility to dispose of large items that require special handling,such as appliances, furniture, tires, mattresses, box springs, and hot water heaters. These large trash items cannot be stored on your Lot site or within the Park.
10.1 Home is to be kept in good repair, clean and neat and must be level and properly blocked. Resident shall not change the color of home without first having the color approved in writing for conformity and appearance by Park Owner.
10.2 Cement patio blocks, cement steps and walkways may not be painted.
10.3 All homes must be equipped with wheels and axles to permit resiting or removal from the Park.
10.4 No home may be resold in place unless it meets the Standards for Resale.
10.5 Utility lines, including water, sewer and others, are to be properly connected, insulated and protected before Resident takes occupancy, and must be maintained throughout occupancy.
10.6 Resident will maintain any water pipes entering the home and will be responsible for the maintenance of any heat tapes used to protect their pipes. Residents should have their heat tapes checked regularly to see that they are operating properly.
10.7 Plumbing in home is to be kept in good repair and any plumbing leaks must be repaired immediately. Park Owner may shut off water to home if water leaks exist. All water and sewer lines from the home to the Park’s in ground connections are to be properly maintained
by the Resident.
10.8 The Park Owner provides electric service to the electric meter. All service from the meter to the home and throughout the home is to be maintained in a safe manner by the Resident. Resident must provide continuous electric service in the home. Kerosene lanterns and kerosene heaters are prohibited.

10.8.1 If electric is brought to the home by the power company to a mast, the mast and connections on the home and through the home shall be supplied and maintained in a safe manner by the Resident. All electrical connections shall be made by a licensed electrician.
10.9 If the home is rendered uninhabitable by fire or other causes, so that it cannot be occupied, Resident will remove salvage or allow Park Owner to do so immediately at Resident’s expense.
10.9.1 Resident must secure damaged home to prevent entry prior to its removal.

10.9.2 Resident will be liable for any injuries to persons or property that may result directly or approximately from damaged home before or during its removal from the park.

10.9.3 Upon removal of home, this lease shall terminate.
10.10 Hot tubs are not permitted in a home or on the Lot.
10.11 Heating systems must be kept operable and in good repair.
10.12 If the home has a heating system requiring a fuel oil tank, the tank must be on a block base or poured concrete pad, installed with a 110% containment tank/vault.
10.13 If the home has LP gas equipment, it must possess the appropriate gas tank, placed on a block base and properly connected as approved by the Building Inspector.
10.14 The home must possess steps at all doors with non-flammable hand rails as approved by the Building Inspector.
10.15 No exterior repairs, alterations or improvements (i.e., skirting, windows, siding of homes, roofs, awnings, sheds, steps or painting of home and shed, etc.) will be allowed unless:

1. You or your serviceman or company provide Park Owner with a written proposal for the work you wish to have done on your home.

2. The serviceman or company provides Park Owner with a Certificate of Insurance.

3. Any applicable building permits are obtained.

4. The Park Owner receives your proposal with a copy of the insurance certificate to our office in Plainville along with a cover letter explaining what you will be doing on your Lot site. If you are painting or residing your home, send a color sample with your proposal.

5. No work should be undertaken until you receive prior written permission from Park Owner to proceed.
10.16 All homes shall display a street number at least four (4) inches high on the home, which number complies with 9-1-1 emergency standards. Such number shall be in a conspicuous location easily viewed from the street.
10.17 All homes shall have a smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector. All such equipment shall be maintained in good working order.
10.18 All homes equipped with a clothes dryer must have the dryer exhaust vent installed properly through the skirting to the outside of home to prevent excess moisture from accumulating under the home, as well as to prevent mold and mildew from forming under the home.
10.19 Should Resident fail to comply with items 10.1 through 10.18, written notice will be given stating Park Owner will perform these duties and bill Resident for services rendered at the rate of $40.00 per hour, plus materials, or the hourly rate charged by the independent contractor retained to provide such service, if not completed within 72 hours of written notice to correct said violation. A minimum charge of $25.00 will be applied. Any such charges shall be paid as
additional rent.
10.20 Combustible or hazardous materials in your home and your area of responsibility are prohibited. Resident further agrees that he will indemnify and hold the Park Owner harmless from all fines, penalties, damages, and expenses for Resident’s noncompliance with all laws, ordinances, regulations, and orders concerning chemicals, petroleum products, other toxic or hazardous substances and all substances regulated under environmental protection laws or health and safety laws. Resident further agrees that he will be solely responsible for cleanup of any spills, leakage, or other release of chemicals, petroleum products or other toxic or hazardous substances on the premises or from the premises caused by Resident, or his visitors, and that such cleanup will be done in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Resident agrees to give immediate notice to Park Owner (and to the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and any other authorities who are required by law to receive notice) in the event of any spill of such substances or in the event of discovery of leakage or other contamination.
11.1 One freestanding storage shed per Lot is permitted, provided it does not violate the Town’s building code and is approved by the Building Inspector, but only in accordance with the following specifications:

11.1.1 Roof no higher than 7’ in the center and 5’ at the sides.

11.1.2 Overall dimensions shall not exceed 9’ x 10’.

11.1.3 Sheds must be constructed of metal by a recognized manufacturer of storage sheds, and must be kept in good repair, painted and free from rust. No wooden storage sheds are allowed. Vinyl, plastic or “Rubbermaid” type sheds will be permitted if the Resident requests same in writing and is approved by the Park Owner. All structures must be kept in good repair.
11.1.4 Storage shed must be on a patio block base and anchored to same. Bases constructed of wood or poured concrete are not permitted.

11.1.5 At the time of resale or resiting, sheds may be removed provided the area occupied by the shed shall have been re-graded and re-seeded.
11.1.6 Hoop houses, portable garages, tarps and canvas covered structures are prohibited.
12.1 Not more than one registered passenger vehicle per adult Resident shall be kept in the Park. The vehicles shall be in good repair and good appearance. They shall be properly parked in a driveway or designated parking area and be the property of the Resident. The term “passenger vehicle” shall include only properly registered automobiles and 1/2 ton pick-up trucks or vans properly registered with passenger or combination plates.

12.1.1 Unregistered vehicles, vehicles parked on street or other unauthorized places, or junk vehicles, may be towed away at Resident’s expense. Prior written notice will be sent to the Resident.
12.2 Vehicles not permitted in the Park include: Commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles, campers, trailers, damaged vehicles, junk cars, unregistered vehicles, motor scooters, boats, jet skis, snowmobiles, motorized go-carts, all types of motorized bikes and motorized bicycles, all terrain vehicles or golf carts.
12.3 Major repairs, major overhauling, or any other significant repairs to vehicles is not permitted in the park. The changing of oil which work may involve the risk of leakage of petroleum products is specifically prohibited. Vehicles are not permitted to be on jacks or blocks and left unattended.
12.4 No washing of vehicles is permitted in the Park.
12.5 Speed limit for all motor vehicles in the Park is 10 M.P.H.
12.6 Vehicles shall be parked overnight only in driveways.
12.7 Vehicles parked overnight in the street or in other unauthorized places may be towed away at the Resident’s expense and charged as additional rent.
12.8 Resident’s visitors parking in unauthorized areas will be towed away at Resident’s expense. Any such expense shall be paid as additional rent.
12.9 No vehicles or truck caps may be placed in storage in the park or on the Lot or in driveways.
12.10 Resident will be charged for the actual cost to repair driveways or roadways that have negligently or purposely caused by their motor vehicles to driveway or roadways such as oil spillage, transmission fluid spillage or any other damage done by their vehicles.
12.11 All bicyclists shall observe the “rules of the road” when riding on park streets. Children shall wear helmets as may be required by law.
12.12 Recreational vehicles, including motorhomes and campers, may be temporarily parked on Resident’s Lot to permit loading and unloading only for a period of two days per trip by contacting the Park Owner in writing. No washing of recreational vehicles is permitted within the park.
13.1 Loud playing of radios, TV, stereo or musical instruments is not allowed at any time.
13.2 Residents of the park and their guests shall conduct themselves in a reasonable quiet manner so as not to disturb others.
13.3 Noise levels shall be reduced after 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. for the benefit of all Residents.
13.4 Residents shall be responsible for the conduct of their guests.
13.5 Motor vehicles of Residents shall have properly maintained muffler systems and equipment; and engines shall not be unnecessarily raced or gunned at any time.
13.6 Air conditioning equipment shall not be run between the hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. if disturbing to neighbors. Exceptions may be made on running of air conditioners in extremely hot weather by contacting the office of the Park Owner and receiving written permission.
13.7 The use of fireworks is prohibited.
13.8 The discharge of any type of firearm or weapon is not allowed in the park. This includes pellet guns, BB guns, all firearms, bow and arrows, paint guns and all types of sling shots.
14.1 Each home shall be equipped with a heating system other than a system requiring a fuel oil tank no later than December 31, 2011, or will have a new fuel oil tank with a 110% containment tank or 110% overflow reservoir/vault.
14.2 Any Resident desiring to retain their heating system requiring a fuel oil tank that fails, develops a leak, or needs replacement for any reason will comply with the following:
14.2.1 Resident will purchase oil tank insurance naming Mobilehome Parks, Inc. as an additional insured. Insurance will be purchased in sufficient amounts to cover the cost of any oil spillage.

14.2.2 Oil tanks will need to be installed with a 110% containment tank or 110% overflow reservoir/vault. Oil tanks are limited to one 275 gallon tank set up on a block base or on a concrete pad as may be required to be in compliance with local and/or state standards.

14.2.3 A Certificate of Insurance will be needed from the contractor doing the installation of the oil tank and 110% containment tank.
14.3 Under no circumstances are barrels or stands permitted to hold or elevate tanks. Existing tanks must be painted a light color to minimize corrosive condensation inside the tank and be kept free of rust. Tanks must also be level so as not to tip or become a hazard.
14.4 No conversions will be permitted from a heating system not requiring a fuel oil tank to a system requiring a fuel oil tank. The installation of a fuel oil tank is expressly prohibited at any home not currently having a fuel oil heating system.
14.5 The Resident is solely responsible for the clean up and damage resulting from a fuel oil spillage or overflow on homes that currently are equipped with a heating system requiring a fuel oil tank and will abide by any state and local laws and/or ordinances.
14.6 Any underground fuel tanks must be removed and replaced with an above ground fuel tank, installed in a 110% containment tank or 110% overflow/reservoir vault or the underground fuel tank must be removed and the heating system converted to a heating system not requiring a fuel oil tank. In either case, underground fuel oil tanks must be removed upon resale or transfer of the home or by 12/31/2005.
15.1 The home may not be occupied as a residence (permanently or temporarily) by more than ________ persons, excepting only with prior written consent of the Park Owner.
15.2 One such occupant shall be named Resident.
15.3 Only persons listed in Appendix B of the Rental Agreement may occupy the home.
15.4 No person may take occupancy of a home unless he has been approved in writing by Park Owner and meets all requirements for occupancy to become a Resident of the Park.
16.1 No home shall remain vacant or unoccupied for more than thirty (30) days without the express written permission of the Park Owner, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
16.2 Any vacant or unoccupied home shall be winterized in accordance with Park Owner’s instructions or Park Owner may do so at Resident’s expense. Any such expense shall be paid as additional rent.
16.3 Any vacant and unoccupied home that becomes neglected must be removed from the Lot and disconnected from utilities and placed in storage at the home-owner’s expense within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice from Park Owner of his intention to do so.
16.4 Resident will comply with any local or state blight control ordinances.
17.1 No tag sales, auctions or other public sales or “Open House” showings are permitted in the Park without prior written permission of the Park Owner.
17.2 Residents shall not conduct any peddling or soliciting of commercial enterprises of any nature without written consent of Park Owner.
18.1 Visitors of a Resident shall abide with Park Rules and Regulations. Resident shall be responsible for the conduct of their guests and any damages incurred by them.
18.2 No visitors shall remain longer than a two week stay. Any visitors staying longer than a two-week period must have prior written approval.
19.1 Wood burning stoves, gas space heaters, fireplaces or any other heating system may not be installed, modified or operated in any home unless inspected and approved by the local building inspector prior to use. A copy of the approval certificate shall be filed with the Park Owner.
19.2 All firewood or other bulk material must be stored out of sight, inside the shed. Firewood may not be stacked on the lot or against the home.
19.3 No open fires, bon fires or fires of any kind are allowed in the park. Residents must comply with local Fire Marshall’s requirements with regard to Chimineas. No fire pits are permitted.
20.1 Resident is responsible for the removal and extermination of any wildlife that should invade Resident’s home and/or Lot site.
21.1 All complaints and any problems, other than emergencies, relative to the Park of the actions of other residents, must be reported to the main office in writing. Emergency problems may be reported by telephone or in person and should be confirmed in writing as soon as possible.
22.1 Reasonable exceptions and waivers to these regulations may be allowed at the sole discretion of Park Owner for good cause shown. All requests for exceptions by Resident, and all exceptions granted, shall be in writing.
23.1 Each adult Resident shall sign a written lease in accordance with Section 21-70 Connecticut General Statutes before occupying the home Lot. Upon expiration of a term of a written lease each adult Resident shall sign a renewal lease prior to holding over.
23.2 Refusal or failure to sign a written lease after thirty (30) days notice shall constitute a substantial violation of these Rules and Regulations.
24.1 Violations of these Rules and Regulations shall be grounds for eviction in accordance with Section 21-80 Connecticut General Statutes. In the event that Park Owner is required to enforce these Rules and Regulations or evict for a violation of them, all court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees shall be paid by the Resident.
25.1 Amendments to the Rules and Regulations may be made at any time by the Park Owner and copies of such amendments shall be distributed to the Residents. Such amendments shall become effective thirty (30) days after notice is given to Residents.
26.1 Resident shall notify Park Owner of his intention to sell his home and offer Park Owner the right of first refusal in writing. The notification will include the sales price of the home being offered to the general public. At any time during the sale process, should the selling price change, the Resident shall again offer the Park Owner the right of first refusal in writing.
27.1 Any Resident who lists his home with a realtor/ broker shall register the realtor/ broker with the Park Owner, at which time the realtor/broker must provide insurance certificates on Acord Forms verifying insurance coverage in the following form:

Premises and Operation Liability

Complete Operations with $500,000.00 combined single limit coverage

Workers’ Compensation coverage
26.2 Park Owner will not accept any Applications for Residency from prospective purchasers unless Resident’s realtor/broker provides a Certificate of Insurance.
28.1 Satellite Dishes are permitted in the park if they are one meter (39) inches or less in diameter, with prior written approval of the Park Owner. However, only one (1) dish per home is allowed.
28.2 CB Antennas/antennas must receive written permission before installation if either the antenna and its mast will extend higher than 12 feet above the roof line of the home.
28.3 If any short wave or CB equipment of similar device interferes with other Resident’s privacy or ability to receive television, radio or other transmissions, resident will not be allowed to use same in the Park.